3D Star Wars anger fans

30th September 2010

September 30, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Star Wars would soon be released in 3D, die-hard fans of this iconic movie franchisee are however not pleased. They are extremely saddened, disappointed and angry with this new form of Star Wars.

There are about 20 to 30 comments that speak out loud and clear against this technological remake of the films. Lots of them are saying that this is a wrong step on behalf of Lucas. Someone said that a 3D version of this iconic movie would mean a systematic destruction of something awesome.

It is said that George Lucas and Fox plan to release the Star Wars 3D starting in 2012. They plan to release it in such a way that a Star Wars film would be led on a yearly basis by the prequels that are much-mocked. This obviously and quite naturally means that the movie of "Star Wars", along with its couple of sequels wouldn't even start off before 2015.

The rolling dramatic releases unavoidably would set up several 3D DVD versions that would smooth the progress of the definitive home-viewing experience after the 3D-capable TVs become fixtures in a matter of four to six years.

We just wish the Star Wars the best of luck and may the fans accept them in their new form as well.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: George Lucas,