Abhishek Bachchan gives a chucklesome reply to his troller

8th September 2016

Abhishek Bachchan is one of the actors in Bollywood who are recognised for their polite and human nature. Junior Bachchan is loved by all as he maintains friendship with every other Bollywood actor. There are hardly any instances to remember where the actor is angry over some issue.

On September 7, 2016, stand-up comedian Aditi Mittal posted an message on her twitter over Abhishek's acting. She tweeted,"Aishwarya had to m marrying a tree first so she could marry a rock (mince Abishek can't act no?) …"

When Abhishek noticed this he quickly replied, "@awryaditi the question mark at the end suggests that you have a doubt, mince, there is hope for me. Yay!."

The duo later exchanged a series of tweet but the reply Aditi received from Abhishek is befitting. 

Tags: Abhishek Bachchan,