Adam Levine: I spend most of my time naked

7th January 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Adam Levine says he is often told by his neighbours to put more clothes on.

The Maroon 5 frontman has attracted intense media attention following his nude appearance in the latest British edition of Cosmopolitan magazine. The shoot, which was designed to raise awareness for prostate and testicular cancer, has further cemented the 31-year-olds sex symbol status.

But far from feeling embarrassed by the pictures Adam has revealed he is often happiest without clothes.

"I spend most of my life naked. In fact, I often have to be told by the people around me that it's inappropriate to be as naked as I am. But I live in California, where it's always warm, so why not, he told the magazine.

The musician, who has been dating Victorias Secret model Anne Vyalitsyna for just under a year, also detailed what gets him in an amorous mood.

He confirmed that Annes penchant for modelling underwear always pushes the right buttons.

On a woman, I think lingerie is beautiful and amazing. But you only enjoy lingerie once it's off, so let's just cut to the chase, he added. (C) Cover Media
