Amitabh Bachchan suffers a neck injury

21st March 2017

Mega star Amitabh Bachchan has earned this title with his quintessential acting over the years. At the initial stage of his career he also did a lot of stunts, the output of which he is facing today. Through his blog recently Mr. Bachchan informed his fans about his recent neck injury.

His excerpts from the blog read-

"Many have, yes, seen the picture with the neck brace and have expressed either exclamation or remedy, or surprise .. it is factual and it is on my neck, because the neck is strained .. these are recurrences of old action and stunt injuries right from the time of DON and several other films that came after and that have involved my physical movements for action deeds going horribly wrong ..

The cervical has undergone so many damage inflicting stunts that several vertebrae are damaged, out of position, infected with trauma, and several other complicated medical terminology which I just cannot understand .. resulting in any act or movement or subjection to an awkward resting position, those vertebrae move about again out of position, making it impossible for me to sit stand sleep rest in any position whatsoever .."

While talking about the stunts and action sequences of their era, he wrote "In our time we never had the benefit of safety devises .. it was raw it was real and it was injury centric .. we jumped from heights without protection, without soft landing gear, without harnesses that most actors deploy now and without face replacement .. face replacement ?"

So now that you know all about it, next time don't be surprised to see Mr. Bachchan's photos wearing a neck brace!

Tags: Amitabh Bachchan,