Angelina Jolie compared to Clint Eastwood

13th December 2011

Angelina Jolie is like "Clint Eastwood" says actor, Rade erbedija.

Rade has recently starred in Angelina's directorial debut, In the Land of Blood and Honey.

The actor has also worked with Clint on the 2000 film, Space Cowboys, and he can see definite similarities between the two.

"She is an actor's director," he told E! at the movie's Hollywood premiere. "She reminds me very much of Clint Eastwood. I told her that. Both of them are great actors and only great actors have this kind of experience, so they know how to help and how to work with actors. They know how to give them freedom and how it's important to do this."

Vanessa Glodjo, who also stars in the new movie agreed with Rade.

She believes that Angelina's acting skills helped her to direct and craft the scenes.

"I think every actor will be jealous of my experience," she smiled. "She's a beautiful and brilliant actress, so she knew exactly how to help us get through this."

Angelina was very flattered by the praise.

She was directed by Clint in the 2008 film Changeling and received a number of award nominations for her performance.

"He is such a great leader," she said. "He works with people that are talented people but also good people. There are no egos on set. It's really like a family."

Tags: Angelina Jolie,