Armie Hammer: My youth was unique

23rd January 2012

Armie Hammer had an "atypical childhood".

The J. Edgar actor is the grandson of American oil tycoon Armand Hammer and the son of successful businessman Michael Hammer.

Armie travelled a lot with his family as a youngster and lived in the Cayman Islands between the ages of seven and 12.

The star is grateful for the experiences he was exposed to when he was growing up.

"It was not a typical childhood," Armie told USA Today. "[My parents] truly raised me to not believe I was any different or that I was more special or that I deserved more."

Armie's father Michael owns several businesses, including film production company Armand Hammer Productions and Knoedler Publishing.

Although Armie appreciates his father's professional endeavours, he did not want to follow in his family's footsteps.

"[My dad wanted me to go to college and become] a Hammer man, definitely going in the family business of art and real estate and that kind of thing," Armie explained. "It's not who I am, inherently."

Family is deeply important to Armie. Although he has a jam-packed filming schedule, the actor tries to spend as much time with his wife of nearly two years Elizabeth Chambers as possible.

"[Elizabeth and I] have a rule where we don't spend more than a week apart at any time," Armie gushed. "We try to keep it down to three days."

Armie's newest film Mirror Mirror, which also stars Julia Roberts, will be released in the US on March 16.

Tags: Armie Hammer,