Avatar 2 To Be Released In December 2014

29th October 2010

October 29, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Great news for Avatar fans! Director James Cameron has finally teamed up with Twentieth Century Fox film studio and revealed the plans for two new sequels of the blockbuster sci-fi movie on Wednesday.

Since the launch of the original movie in late 2009, the talks of the sequel of this wonderful movie were on. There was a doubt whether the sequel will be possible or not.

But the re-union of Fox and Cameron has erased all doubts and the audience can expect to take a renewed trip to Pandora soon. The world of blue Na'vi people will be recreated and Avatar 2 is planned to release in December 2014 and the third film is expected to come up after one more year.

In a statement, Cameron was quoted saying that the big budget movie was planned as an epic work of fantasy, a different world that audiences could visit and they are launching the next phase of that world now.

The Titanic director took us to a new 3D world with his fantasy tale filled with emotions. It was a tale of humans trying to destroy the natural resources on Pandora.

It was a perfect blend of adventure and environmentalism and audience was totally thrilled with the experience. Avatar earned three Oscars from the nine nominations and was selected as the best movie of the year at the Golden Globe Awards.

We can expect yet another wonderful journey to Pandora with Camerons next two sequels!

-- Sampurn Wire



Tags: James Cameron, Avatar,