Being Human Brings In Freshness To SyFy

19th January 2011

January 19, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): SyFy has brought in some freshness to the vampire, werewolf and ghost story with Being Human. The series does not show the typical vampire, werewolf ghost saga rather how these three twenty-something deals with the pains of not being human and being different. It has all the quintessential fun elements that one might look forward to into a series dealing with ghosts and vampires, like flying objects and spinning plates, but it doesnt stop there.

SyFy has adapted Being Human from an U.K.s series and doing a great job so far. The series originally created by Toby Whithouse would recommend you to leave the preconceived notions about the vampires, ghosts and werewolves outside before sitting down to watch the series. Aidan the vampire walks into the broad day light and Josh, the werewolf shares a good relationship with him.

There are friendly banters and light hearted moments in the series, but when the action starts coming its riveting and real too. Sam Winter fits the role of Aiden with perfection, so is Sam Hunting as the werewolf Josh. Mark Pellegrino has no problem being the vampire boss and turning into the beastly character after appearing in Lost, Supernatural and Dexter in totally different avatars. As Sally, Meaghan Rath is a bit plump but as the situations and the gravity of it unfold one is sure that things are going to change.

One might wonder, whether airing the remake of the UK Being Human in SyFy is a good idea, but the producers are willing to take the risk and it has the most stylized show of the channel.

--Sampurn Wire
