Charlie Sheen makes extortion claim

23rd November 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Charlie Sheen has sued an adult film actress for attempted extortion of $1 million.

Charlie was reportedly found drunk and naked in a New York hotel room last month, and was taken to a clinic for an alcohol abuse and psychological evaluation. Capri Anderson was hired to escort Charlie to dinner that evening, and in a recent interview claimed he became so verbally abusive when they returned to the actors suite at the Plaza Hotel she feared for her life.

Capri alleged Charlie yelled racial slurs and put his hands around [her] neck. Charlies lawyer Yale Galanter vehemently denied Capris version of events, insisting she was just trying to make money.

The actor has now filed a lawsuit at the Los Angeles Superior Court, in which he alleges Capri tried to extort $1 million from him following their consensual encounter.

This case involves a shakedown and extortion of the internationally known actor and celebrity Charlie Sheen by an opportunist pornographic film star and publicity-hungry scam artist, it reads. [She] fabricated a sensational tale about being assaulted, battered and held against will.

The writ claims Capri told Charlie she would repeat her false tale in public unless he gave her the cash. It is also alleged she threatened to go to the authorities in Aspen, where Charlie was on probation following a fight with his estranged wife Brooke Mueller, if he refused her the money.

He refused, allegedly resulting in the interview Capri gave yesterday. She has also filed a criminal complaint about him alleging harassment.

In the documents, Charlie claims Capri told New York police she was fine and he had been a gentleman. He has asked for unspecified damaged of at least $165,000, to cover the cost of a watch he claims went missing that night.

The adult stars attorney has denied the claims, insisting Charlie is trying to confuse the situation. They are throwing a bunch of mud at the wall and hoping something will stick, Keith M Davidson told People. (C) Cover Media
