Chris Brown to be interviewed for theft

2nd March 2012

Chris Brown may be "formally interviewed" by Floridian authorities following accusations that he stole a phone.

The 23-year-old singer is currently on probation for assaulting his former girlfriend Rihanna three years ago.

Christal Spann, a fan of Chris', alleges that the Grammy Award-winning singer became aggravated after she took a picture of him in Miami.

She claims that the singer grabbed her iPhone, yelled, "B***h, you ain't going to put that on the Internet", then drove off in his Bentley.

After Christal filed a police report, the Miami-Dade Police Department launched an investigation into the matter and authorities are now eager to question Chris.

"The Florida State's Attorney's Office has asked Chris' attorney, Mark Geragos, for the opportunity to formally interview Chris," a source told RadarOnline. "At this point it appears that won't happen, which isn't uncommon. The prosecutor handling the case is working with the cops in interviewing the alleged victim and the witnesses. Chris has an attorney for a reason, and Mark is in constant communications with the DA in Miami, it's not as if Brown has gone on radio silence."

If Chris is arrested, his probation for his felony battery charge against Rihanna is likely to be instantly revoked. If that should occur, Chris could spend time in jail for violation of probation, despite whether or not he is actually found guilty of theft.

The singer understands the gravity of the allegations.

"Chris wouldn't need to be convicted in the Miami case to cause problems with his probation, just charged," the source continued. "The conditions of his felony probation are very, very strict. Chris must obey all laws and not be arrested for any other crimes. This could be a huge nightmare for his probation if he is arrested and charged."

"Make no mistake, Chris is taking this very seriously. He knows that one arrest could unleash a wave of new legal problems for him because he is still on felony probation."

Chris is deeply concerned, but remains optimistic about the outcome.

"Chris is letting his lawyer, Mark Geragos, deal with the Florida State's Attorney's Office. He will do whatever his attorney asks him to do," the source explained. "He is no longer in Miami, but if he needs to return for any reason, he certainly will. Chris has nothing to hide."

"Chris is telling friends that he has done nothing wrong. He is hopeful that the evidence and the true facts of the case will result in no charges being made against him."

Tags: Chris Brown,