Conrad Murray probation unlikely'

17th November 2011

Dr. Conrad Murray is more likely to "struck by lightning" than get probation for killing Michael Jackson, according to a source.

Earlier this month, Michael's former physician was found guilty of the singer's involuntary manslaughter after giving him a fatal dose of powerful anaesthetic drug Propofol, to help the singer sleep. The King of Pop died on June 25 2009.

Recent reports suggested that Conrad's lawyers were going to ask for the doctor to be given probation at the convicted felon's sentencing hearing on November 29.

However, sources close to the case say that probation is unlikely.

"Conrad Murray's lawyers can ask that their client be given probation, but he has a better chance of being struck by lightning than the judge granting their request," a source told "The fact that Judge Pastor remanded Murray into custody immediately following his conviction, well, that was clearly a sign to the defence that Judge Pastor will most likely impose the full four year prison sentence to the convicted killer."

Conrad's lawyers are hoping that if Judge Pastor does not impose the full sentence, then Conrad will be released on house arrest because his crime is categorised as a non-violent felony.

But, insiders believe that Conrad's defence should not be relying on that possibility.

"Murray's lawyers shouldn't be counting on house arrest, period," an insider explained. "Each house arrest inmate has their case thoroughly reviewed by jail officials. Judge Pastor can order that Murray not be eligible for house arrest, but the final decision is up to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. The DA district attorney, David Walgren, will ask that the judge sentence him to four years in jail."

Tags: Michael Jackson,