Daniel Craig: I'm not funny on demand

4th December 2011

Daniel Craig wishes he had "jazz hands".

The British actor is known for playing tough characters in movies such as Casino Royale and Layer Cake.

He also famously refuses to discuss his private life and admits he can be reserved in public. During one interview on a UK TV talk show, Daniel froze when the host asked him to entertain the audience with a funny story.

The star still feels embarrassed when he recalls the incident now, but insists he can't always perform under pressure.

"I'm just not very good at it. I can't do it. I don't have jazz hands. I wish I did have jazz hands, but I don't," he told the January edition of GQ. "I'm a really bad liar. I don't have those pat things to say. Well, I have a schtick; everyone has a schtick. But if I don't feel it I can't turn it on. I don't know what to do! Jazz hands! Tell me a funny story.' I don't know any funny stories."

Daniel has a great deal of respect for talk show hosts. He acknowledges it must be difficult for them to interview quiet or unapproachable guests.

"It's a thankless task being a talk show host. Especially if you have to do a show every day. I look at guys like Letterman, Leno. Whatever you think of them and they are not shows I tune into but you look at them and you think, you earn your money," he explained. "Sometimes they get guests like me! I am kind of relaxed about it a bit more. Say less, laugh more. Laugh at every joke. I was a bit more chilled out about it."

Tags: Daniel Craig, Layer Cake, Casino Royale,