David Arquette enjoys sexy dance

26th October 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - David Arquette had a lap dance from a little person with pasties at a party over the weekend.

The 39-year-old star recently split from his wife Courteney Cox, and has been seen out on the town several times since confirming the relationship breakdown. On Saturday evening he attended a birthday party in honour of Shenae Grimes and Jessica Stroup, who both star in American drama series 90210, at Beacher's Madhouse in Los Angeles.

David looked dapper in black trousers, red dinner jacket and black bow tie, and spent the evening laughing and joking with guests. Entertainment came in the form of a number of little people according to gossip website TMZ, one of who gave David a raunchy one-on-one dance.

Arquette hit the stage with a bottle of champagne... where a little person with pasties made the newly-minted bachelor forget all his troubles, reports the website.

A video posted on TMZ shows David joking around with the dancer, and showing off some steamy moves on his own as the crowd whoops and cheers.

The Hollywood star also got guests to bellow a raucous rendition of Happy Birthday to the two actresses, who were given a large cake. Among those who attended the party were Brittany Snow, Paris and Nicky Hilton and AnnaLynne McCord. (C) Cover Media
