David Blaine plans magic lessons for his child

23rd September 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - David Blaine says he plans to teach his child magic skills.

The American magician-and-endurance artist has confirmed that he and his model fiance Alizee Guinochet are expecting a baby next year.

David is thrilled about becoming a father with his French partner, and says he hopes his future offspring will inherit his magic skills.

"Of course," he replied when asked by Us Magazine if he would be attempting to teach the little one magic tricks when its born.

Although he loves all things supernatural, David did accept that he and Alizees baby may not share his passion and wont want to become a magician.

"[But] I'm not going to force it on anybody...I love doing magic. That's my favourite thing to do," he explained.

The 37-year-old also revealed he isnt sure what to expect from fatherhood because this will be his first child.

"I don't know...It's my first time so I have no idea," he confessed. (C) Cover Media
