Emily Blunt: Time travel would rock

12th September 2012

Emily Blunt thinks traveling through time would be absolutely amazing.

The British actress stars alongside Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon-Levitt in upcoming sci-fi thriller Looper.

Looper's plot involves mafia hit men from the future who travel through time to take out their victims.

Emily knows exactly where she would go if we currently had the science to visit other historical epochs.

"Well I'd quite like to go to the '20s or something. I think that could be really fun," she told ET Online.

Although the Roaring Twenties especially appeals to Emily, she admits that she'd also like to get prehistoric.

Emily is amazed by cavemen.

"But there's also a part of me that is really intrigued to go back to, like, the birth of time and see the cavemen, what that must be like, what people actually looked like," she explained.

"I want to see those dinosaurs. Like that would be so exciting to see when people first starting drawing and discovering art and food and medicine and all that stuff."

Looper will be released in US theatres on September 28.

Tags: Bruce Willis, Emily Blunt, Joseph Gordon-levitt , Looper,