Emma Thompson: Motherhood is hard work

18th August 2010
FM - Emma Thompson says she was inspired by Maggie Gyllenhaal when writing the screenplay for their upcoming movie.

The actresses star together in the sequel to children’s movie Nanny McPhee, which was based on the successful books by the British writer Christianna Brand.

Emma, 51, and Maggie, 32, are good friends and Emma says she saw similarities between mother-of-one Maggie and Isabel Green, her character in the movie franchise.

“I was in the process of writing it, and then I met Maggie,” Emma told USA Today. “She was a new mum and, at that time, slightly kind of...

"When you're just trying to survive. A lot of that is absolutely Mrs. Green." Emma and Maggie first got to know each other while shooting the 2006 film Stranger Than Fiction in Chicago, bonding over post-work drinks.

They stayed in touch and Emma decided Maggie, mother of three-year-old daughter Ramona, would be perfect to play Isabel, a struggling mother assisted by the mythically wise caretaker Nanny NcPhee, played by Emma.

Emma also finds it hard work being a mother and says looking after her ten-year-old daughter Gaia wears her out.

"God, it's terrible being a parent!" she laughed in mock-exhaustion.FM/p>
