Emma Watson: Simple doesn't exist

21st September 2012

Emma Watson's newest film was a "nice throwback" to the era when iPhones and "tonnes of social media" didn't exist.

The British actress is starring in The Perks of Being a Wallflower which is set in the '90s. Emma was interested to find that even before the days of advanced technology, problems still presented themselves for teenagers.

"I think it's funny because my generation feels that with Twitter, social networking, they feel that everything has changed and everything is so different, and it's very easy to feel alone and very misunderstood. And actually what this movie shows is that it's the same issues, it's the same stuff, it's just playing out in different forums," she told

"But then it's also close enough that I felt it was really speaking to me. It's a nice throwback to when there wasn't iPhones and Twitter and tonnes of social media it's kind of like back to a simpler time but there's no such thing!" she laughed.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower shows a shy freshman called Charlie who is taken under the wings of two seniors. Emma wishes more people shared the qualities of Charlie.

"I just think the world would be a better place if there were more people like Charlie, who is so compassionate and empathetic and non-judgemental and accepting," she said.

"Everyone has a story, and people tend to judge and interpret behaviour without going to the source of that behaviour."

Tags: Emma Watson, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower,