'Heroine' shoots for 'Anti-smoking' ad

8th September 2012

Just recently it was made public about Supreme Court allowing filmmakers to include smoking scenes in their films.

The new renewed rule over including onscreen smoking in films came in with a condition that the makers will have to instill statutory warnings at the beginning and during the interval of the film, stating smoking is injurious to health. Also, the concerned star of the film will have to give the statement as a recorded warning. Plus, they have also been warned to include the statutory warning in written format onscreen while the scene is going on.

The rules were to be implemented from September 14and the first to follow the newly implied rules is the team of 'Heroine'.

As there are several smoking scenes in the film, filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar thought of using this rule to avoid any problems in the future. The film which is slated to release on September 21 will have an anti-smoking advertisement.

"In the beginning, Kareena will address the warning, and also for the interval part as well. We are implementing the new rules," said Bhandarkar. 

Kareena Kapoor who leads the film playing the title role confirmed that she has already begun her work on it. "I have recorded the voice for the beginning of the film. For the interval I will be doing it soon... I am happy with this," added Kareena. 

Tags: Madhur Bhandarkar, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Heroine,