Jackson Kids In Oprah Winfrey Chat Show

14th October 2010

October 14, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Late pop legend Michael Jacksons three children are scheduled to make an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show, claimed reports in the media. The popular chat show host met up with the three children Prince Michael, Paris and Blanket, while on a tour to Michael Jacksons family property in California, where Oprah Winfrey was also shown interacting with Michael Jacksons mother Katherine and her husband Joe.

Needless to say, Michael Jackson has been the most popular face in world music and continues to rule fans hearts and music charts even after his death. The audience will therefore be waiting to hear the secrets and facts from three people who were so closely associated with the pop maestro. This will be the first time that the three Jackson children will make a public appearance together.

The special episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show is part of the last season. Oprah Winfrey has established herself as a chat show queen and it is to be seen what secrets she can unravel from the Jackson kids. The special episode will go on air by the end of this month or early next month. Here, Oprah Winfrey will be seen touring the property in Encino, with help from Michael Jacksons mother. It is not unknown that Michael Jackson was fearfully protective about his children. The legend made sure that they were never exposed to public eye. The Jackson kids were always schooled at home, and Michael Jackson shielded their faces with cloth or masks if the media was anywhere nearby.

--Sampurn Wire





Tags: Michael Jackson,