Jennifer Aniston: I crave salt

21st February 2012

Jennifer Aniston has admitted to "sucking on bouillon cubes".

The svelte 43-year-old actress is much admired for her toned body and lean physique.

But she told Extra TV that although she has a healthy appetite she actually craves more savoury treats than sweet snacks.

Jennifer said that she couldn't live in a commune like her character in her new movie Wanderlust as she couldn't cope with the restrictive diet.

"I would not be going to that place," she told the entertainment news site. "I like better food than what they were serving.

"It's not like I'm eating a twig lettuce leaf with a piece of tuna on it. Actually, that does sound kind of good."

And she added that her biggest food craving is salt but in a bizarre form.

"That's Mexican food," she said of her biggest indulgence. "Salt, salt, salt. I used to suck on bouillon cubes, not lollipops."

Tags: Jennifer Aniston,