Jennifer Hudson desperate for baby girl

6th July 2012

Jennifer Hudson wants a baby daughter "so bad".

The songstress has been engaged to pro wrestler David Otunga for almost four years and they have two-year-old David Jr. together.

Jennifer is desperate to add a little girl to her brood, and plans to extend their family once their son is a bit older.

"It's always been my dream to have a boy first and then a little girl so he'd be the big brother," she told Life & Style. "I want one so bad!

"Give me another year or two. I used to say when David Jr. is 4, but he's almost 4 now so maybe 5 or 6 because this is coming too soon!"

Jennifer says David Jr. is just as eager to expand their family. The stunning star says her young son is looking forward to having a younger sibling he can take care of.

"He says, 'Mommy, I want a baby sister,' every day," Jennifer smiled.

Jennifer also revealed that she already has the perfect name for a daughter, but playfully teased she "isn't telling!"

Tags: Jennifer Hudson,