Jennifer Lopez doesnt stress about exercise

6th May 2011

(Cover) - EN Star Style - Jennifer Lopez achieves her enviable curves by taking breaks from training.

The singer-and-actress has a toned-yet-curvaceous body, and is able to maintain her figure by not overdoing her work-outs.

While many may assume Jennifer is constantly in the gym, she actually says that couldnt be further from the truth, even when she has a big event to prepare for.

"I'm going to tell you the truth, I do take weeks off," she admitted in an interview with Extra. "Entire weeks off. I need time. My body needs to recuperate, especially if I'm doing that, getting ready for a video, dancing and everything."

The 41-year-old makes sure she cleanses her body every once in a while too. Jennifer says its important to rid your body of all the bad substances.

The Optimal Cleanse from East West Essentials. My nutritionist loves this, she was like, 'I can't believe you mentioned the Optimal Cleanse!' It's a really good cleanse. This is something that actually cleans out your intestines and everything that builds up, you feel much lighter and, of course, you do drop a few pounds, she explained. You can do it for ten days, but I do it for five days when I feel like I need a break from eating bad."

Jennifer achieves her lean figure by partaking in the famous Tracy Anderson Method. The personal trainer who is a favourite among celebrities including Cameron Diaz and Gwyneth Paltrow works the small muscle groups which helps achieve a feminine silhouette.

"We do an hour and a half to two hours every day. So you do that three, four, five, sometimes six times a week, Jennifer said. (C) Cover Media
