Jesse Taylor Ferguson Speaks About His Experiences With Bullies

12th October 2010

October 12, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Jesse Taylor Ferguson recently opened up about his school life and shared his experiences with bullies. The openly gay Modern Family star was continuously harassed by his classmates because they were afraid of his uniqueness. The actor said that he left his old school in eighth grade and started going to a different school, where he was discriminated against.

Jesse Taylor had an artistic bend since school and this was considered gay at that time. Jesse was a favorite soft target among the bullies and he described it as a Horrible, horrible experience. Ferguson recounted that he used to live everyday in fear of being harassed by his classmates. The actor thinks that the inherent homophobia among his classmates might have had something to do with his torture at the hand of bullies. The actor believes that bullying comes from fear and insecurity.

At school, Jesse used to interact with other kids, who were teased by the bullies. During the interview, the highly acclaimed actor revealed that he has become more successful in life than all those bullies at school. During the interview, the actor was asked if Modern Family could handle an episode on bulling. The actor did not rule out the possibility by saying that he could certainly imagine many (Rico Rodriguez) getting bullied.

-- Sampurn Wire

