John Travolta accuser: I have proof

8th May 2012

John Travolta has denied claims that he sexually assaulted a masseur in January but the accuser says he has "proof."

The unknown man filed a $2 million lawsuit under the name of John Doe claiming that the A-list star made inappropriate advances towards him.

John's lawyer Marty Singer says the incident which allegedly happened at the Beverly Hills hotel is "complete fiction and fabrication" and the plaintiff would "regret" making the allegations.

"I have proof to support the truth that I'm telling," the accuser told RadarOnline but did not detail what evidence he has.

"I represent the 99 percent of the population, the working class, and I was put in an inappropriate situation that I didn't put myself in. It is not for Mr. Singer to deny me my right!

"I passed a lie detector test for the National Enquirer, and I'm telling the truth about what happened."

The accuser said that John "started out polite and charming, but then when things didn't go his way things digressed."

The Pulp Fiction star strongly maintains that the incident never occurred and he wasn't even in Los Angeles on the date in question.

Tags: John Travolta,