John Travolta accuser to testify

9th May 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - John Travolta's lawyer Marty Singer has scheduled a deposition for "John Doe #1" at his office later this month, according to reports.

The unnamed masseur is one of two men who have accused the Hollywood actor of sexual battery and making inappropriate advances towards them. Both have filed $2 million lawsuits.

RadarOnline reports that the lawyer representing both plaintiffs has stated he has proof his first client was with John on the day in question despite the actor's denial.

"I can prove and have evidence that John Travolta was in Los Angeles on January 16 when he sexually assaulted my client," Okorie Okorocha told the site. "I'm aware that Mr. Travolta's lawyer says he was in NYC on that date, but we have information that will prove that he was in LA on that day."

TMZ had published a restaurant receipt showing that the actor was in the Big Apple on the 16th.

"The credit card receipt that Mr. Travolta says proves he was in New York City has a time stamp of 11.38pm, our complaint clearly says the assault occurred in the morning of January 16. The credit card receipt proves absolutely nothing.

"My client was sexually assaulted at 10am; Travolta could make it to New York on horseback in that time." (C) Cover Media
