Johnny Depp is modest about his looks

22nd November 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Johnny Depp hates it when people say he looks attractive in photographs.

Albert Watson, a successful photographer in the fashion, celebrity and art world, says Johnny has the ability to consistently look amazing in every picture.

The 68-year-old, who has been named one of the top 20 influential photographers of all time by Photo District News, has just released a new book UFO (Unified Fashion Objectives).

Albert says it is impossible to take an unflattering shot of the 47-year-old actor, even after tampering with the surroundings.

You can't take a bad picture of him. I know, Albert told the New York Post at a party to promote his new book. I underlit him just to see how it would turn out, and he still looked good."

Albert, who has photographed more than 200 Vogue magazine front covers, went on to express his frustration that Johnny is so modest about his dark-haired chiselled looks.

The photographer revealed that the handsome actor would not accept that he always looks dazzling in front of a camera and gets embarrassed if people make comments about it.

"He's a very good-looking man. But he doesn't like you to talk about it, Albert said. You can't tell him, 'You look good in that photograph.' But he looks good in every photograph. (C) Cover Media
