Justin Beiber: Clicked Enjoying An Intimate Kiss With A Female Fan

12th January 2011

January 12, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): Justin Beiber maybe just a baby face for some who really see no big deal in the teen star becoming so popular amongst his innumerable fans. However, the teen pop sensation has a lot going on in for him despite being termed still a kid by many who refuse to believe that hes reached far above what can be termed an adult.

After having seen in some intimate kissing moments with his many alleged girl friends, recent pics of the baby faced teen singing sensation have revealed that sometime back he had been clicked enjoying an intimate kiss with one of his female fans.

The pic which has been released by one of the friends of the female fan has gone on to state that since it had been quite a while there was no problem in releasing the kiss pic.

The female fan named Michelle was seen being locked in a passionate kiss with Justine behind a Toronto Hotel, The Four Seasons.

According to news reports, the two of them that is Justin and the fan seemed to be oblivious of who or what was watching them and had had a passionate kiss that would send anyone into a bout of jealousy.

Well, grown up or not Justin Beiber sure has a thing going for him with the famous kiss always getting the better of him!

--Sampurn Wire

Tags: Justin Bieber,