Justin Timberlake Shifting Base To New York?

1st December 2010


December 1, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Pop music star Justin Timberlake, who has featured on the late night SNL show for four episodes, has expressed a desire to make another appearance on the Saturday Night Live show for a full season, but cannot make himself available for the show at the present moment owing to his busy schedules. Justin Timberlake has just completed work on his latest film assignment The Social Network, a possible frontrunner in next years Academy Awards, and now has his hands full with music. But he will definitely return to the sets of Saturday Night Live in the future.

In a statement to the media, Justin Timberlake says that he would like to be a part of the television show Saturday Night Live even if it meant shifting base to New York City! According to reports circulating in the media, it is the new found friendship between Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg, a regular face on SNL, that encourages the musician to commit to Saturday Night Live.

Justin Timberlake has tasted a fair amount of success through films and in his music career. And since the two areas have already been explored by him, television would be a good progress at this point of time in his life. Saturday Night Live and its comic crew is what appeals to Justin Timberlake at the present moment. So is New York ready to welcome Justin Timberlake?

--Sampurn Wire




Tags: Justin Timberlake,