Katherine Jackson hits out at guardianship lies'

26th July 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Katherine Jackson says yesterday's guardianship ruling was based on "lies".

The Jackson family matriarch has been looking after her late son Michael Jackson's children Prince, Paris and Blanket since his death in 2009. Yesterday, a court ruled she should be temporarily stripped of custody. The children's cousin TJ Jackson is now their guardian but Katherine is incensed by what has happened.

"Their ruling in court today was about the guardianship, and I think it was based on a bunch of lies. But I have a good idea who's doing that... who's behind it," she told ABC's Nightline.

The court ruling comes after a tumultuous week for the Jackson clan. Katherine was reported missing over the weekend after Paris claimed she hadn't been able to speak to her for a week.

Michael's brother Jermaine Jackson released a statement insisting she was safe and well and simply taking some time out, amid unsubstantiated claims the 82-year-old has suffered a mild stroke.

Members of the Jackson family are disagreeing over Michael's will and money, with police called after an argument broke out at the children's home earlier this week.

Katherine added she has been in touch with TJ and is unsure why he felt it necessary to seek custody of the youngsters.

"[I] told him it wasn't necessary for him to go down and sign up for guardianship, but I don't know who instructed him to do that... 'cause he wanted me to come home before that happened," she said.

Katherine has been at a spa and during the TV appearance her children Jermaine, Janet and Rebbie were with her.

She explained she didn't have a phone with her which was why she hadn't been in touch with the children, although she had left instructions about their care. Katherine also vowed to travel back to Los Angeles to regain guardianship.

Katherine added that reports she had been kidnapped by her children or drugged are entirely false.

Trent Jackson - the nephew of Michael's father Joe Jackson had been looking after Katherine and the children before she left. There has been speculation he has been behind many of the problems of the last week and according to X17Online Katherine has now fired him and her security detail.

The site also claims family advisor John Branca has been involved with the problems. He is one of the executors of Michael's will and it's alleged he "is trying to paint a picture that under Katherine's supervision, the kids aren't being cared for." (C) Cover Media
