Ke$ha: I'm a dirty little pop star

2nd May 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Ke$ha feels like the "dirty little sister" of the pop world.

The songstress features in the charts alongside a host of talent, including Lady Gaga, Adele, Katy Perry, Britney Spears and Beyonc Knowles.

Ke$ha is renowned for her no-nonsense attitude and says this carefree outlook makes her feel different to her counterparts.

"I do feel like there are the pop stars of the world and then I'm like their dirty little sister, running around with sh*t on my face in combat boots because I can't walk in heels," she quipped in an interview with the latest edition of V magazine.

Ke$ha is currently working on her second studio album after the success of debut record Animal. The 25-year-old star has revealed who she wants to collaborate with in the not-so-distant future.

"The range of artists I want to work with is so vast it's bizarre. I would love to have Keith Richards on the record. I would sure as hell like to do a collaboration with Bieber and at the same time do a song with the Flaming Lips," she said.

"If someone is a real artist, you can't confine them to a particular genre. It's my mission to make it all make sense somehow."

Ke$ha says her newest album has a "warrior theme". The star wants to explore other avenues with her next record, although ultimately she is proud of being a pop star.

"Everything I sing, I write. Love it or hate it, it all comes from me. The first record was all me living in L.A., trying to pay my rent, have a really good time, and look good on nothing. But ever since then I've seen how many people my music can reach, and I've realised that I have somewhat of a social responsibility to make sure everything I say is positive," she explained.

"Some people will be shocked. Some will also be excited to know that I don't just do silly white-girl rap. I'm from the South, I have a lot of soul. But trust me it's not going to be some avant-garde jazz record. I innately write pop songs. That's just what I do." (C) Cover Media
