Ke$ha to create animal jewellery?

25th January 2011

(Cover) - EN Star Style - Ke$ha wants to design her own fashion range - using road kill.

The 23-year-old American singer is renowned for her controversial image, and is never afraid to speak her mind.

The star would like to expand into the fashion arena, so she could introduce the general public to her own unique sense of style.

Totally, absolutely. I think it would be really cool. With all the feathers I have, I always use recycled bones and feathers. I have someone that collects road kill and we use the road kill to make jewellery pieces. So I have been toying with the idea of making my own line of jewellery. But I am just going to continue doing whatever I want. I like wearing capes they are very druid, druid chic, she told British television show 4Music.

The star doesnt know if her future lies in the fashion, even though she has slight psychic tendencies. Ke$ha revealed her clairvoyant ability was moulded by her mother who gave the singer a special necklace.

I dont know I am psychic, but Im not really sure how I am going to be dressing in five years. I think being a Piscean does help with me being psychic and also wearing my moms necklace that she made for me with my placenta in it, she added. (C) Cover Media
