Kim Kardashian does night-time chores

28th July 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Kim Kardashian does her household chores late at night as her schedule is so hectic.

The star lives out her life on reality TV with the rest of her family on hit show Keeping up with the Kardashians.

Kim makes sure she gets some down-time, but because she is so busy her schedule ends up all over the place.

"I love watching real-life crime shows. I'm usually ready for bed by 10pm, but I might do a bit of tidying first. I often vacuum last thing at night!" she laughed in an interview with British magazine more!

Kim also revealed her packing rituals. The star spends a lot of time jet-setting between destinations so swears by a fail-safe way of making sure she never leaves anything behind.

"I also lay out my clothes for the following day. If I'm travelling, I pack my case and I can't go to sleep unless I know it's all ready. Sometimes I get into bed and think, 'Did I pack my shoes?' I have to get up, unpack the suitcase, check it, then pack it all again. I'm a bit crazy that way," she shared. (C) Cover Media
