Kris Humphries ex not pregnant'

10th July 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Kris Humphries can breathe a sigh of relief as his former lover Myla Sinanaj has revealed that she is "not pregnant."

It had been reported that Myla was three months along and that "Kris is definitely the father."

But RadarOnline claims that the brunette has now confirmed that she is not with child.

"[I am] definitely not pregnant," Myla told a photographer on Tuesday.

Myla had cast doubts about the pregnancy rumours on Monday posting a picture of herself in a bikini saying "look no baby bump" and added that she was just a "thick curvy girl."

But now her lawyer Joe Tacopina, who had been hired when Kris accused the hotel working of trying to extort him, has fired Myla as a client.

"Kris is relieved that Myla isn't pregnant because he just isn't ready to start a family yet," a source told the site. "What is frustrating to his lawyer is that he continues to talk to Myla, against his explicit advice not to talk to her."

"This is just the sort of drama that Kim Kardashian's lawyers would love to present at the divorce trial." (C) Cover Media
