Lady Gaga is valentine vampire

16th February 2012

Lady Gaga bought a vampire costume as a Valentine's Day treat for her boyfriend.

The eccentric singer is dating actor Taylor Kinney, who is best known for appearing in drama The Vampire Diaries. The pair have been together since last July, so Gaga wanted to make this week's romantic holiday extra special.

It's been claimed she invested in a dress-up Dracula outfit thought to be for her beau, complete with fake pointed teeth and make-believe blood.

"Gaga wanted to treat Taylor given that this is their first Valentine's Day together. She ordered it online about three weeks before the big day" a source told British newspaper The Sun.

"They had a very laid-back evening at Taylor's house drinking lots of red wine and eating spaghetti."

Gaga and Taylor met on the set of the promo for her track Yo and I. She also surprised with a special version of the video which included added scenes of them together for the first time.

The couple are thought to be living together, with recent claims that they are looking for two properties to buy one in Pennsylvania and one in New York.

It's since been suggested Gaga has already splashed out on a penthouse apartment in London.
