Lakshmi lashes out on Shonali

20th October 2011

On day 18, the captain nominations are held and the new captain for the coming week is elected. Prior to the elections, Lakshmi had promised Shonali that she would vote for her as the captain for the coming week, but Lakshmi changed her mind and chose to vote for Pooja Bedi instead.

Once the elections were over, Shonali taunts Lakshmi and accuses her of being a betrayer because she broke her promise. An agitated Lakshmi loses her temper and lashes out at Shonali for being questioned about her vote.

Lakshmi is furious as she claims to be neutral and justifies to all that she will stick her ground regardless of what the others might have to say about her actions. She made it clear that she doesn’t need to follow anybody’s instructions and is smart enough to decide what she wants to do. Mahek and Vida try to calm her down but she is too angry and continues to accuse Shonali for trying to be influential while being unfair and unreasonable.

Tags: Mahek Chahal, Pooja Bedi,