Lindsay Lohan a diva'

27th April 2012

Lindsay Lohan reportedly came to the set of Glee "with a million demands."

The 25-year-old star is said to have arrived at the set of the hit TV several hours late on Wednesday.

Sources claim that the cast was infuriated at the star's attitude when she arrived.

"She came to set with a million demands and was not prepared to work," an insider revealed to Us Weekly magazine.

Lindsay was apparently unsatisfied with the conditions of her trailer.

"One of her demands has to do with her trailer size," the source explained. "The cast is already worked to death and then she puts everything behind. She is a diva!"

Dot Marie Jones who plays Coach Beiste on the show tweeted her annoyance.

"Gonna be a long day!!" She wrote. "Some ppl show up late and just throw a wrench in things. Not cool! I'd rather be an hour early (I was) than 5 minutes late! (sic)"

Lindsay's publicist informed E! Online that Lindsay did an outstanding job at the shoot.

"She was in hair and make-up and began after lunch at 3," her representatives said. "If there was a problem yesterday, I would have just said, No comment.' However I can't ignore this because this is utter B.S. This is a classic example of people trying to bash Lindsay. She busted her ass yesterday and is back on set again today."

Tags: Lindsay Lohan,