Lindsay Lohan misses flight and Ellen taping

14th December 2011

Lindsay Lohan got caught up on her holiday in Hawaii and missed her flight home yesterday causing her to miss an important interview.

The 25-year-old actress was supposed to appear on the Ellen DeGeneres show on Tuesday in her only scheduled chat to promote her Playboy spread.

But her spokesperson Steve Honig said the 25-year-old will be back in Los Angeles in time for her court hearing later today and her setback was an unfortunate mishap.

"Lindsay was delayed in Hawaii due to a travel-related issue," Steve said.

The missed flight had a knock-on effect meaning that she was forced to cancel her appearance on the talk show.

"Lindsay offered to tape Ellen tomorrow, but the show was unable to shift things around, and tomorrow is their last day of taping for the season," Steve explained.

More importantly however, is Lindsay's appearance before Judge Stephanie Sautner to give her an update on how her probation is going.

The troubled starlet has had many tricky court appearances over the past few years but today's meeting is set to be a good one as she is rumoured to be well on track with what was requested of her.

Judge Sautner sentenced Lindsay to 30 days in jail last month after the Mean Girls star admitted that she violated her probation stemming from her no contest plea in a necklace theft case.

She was ordered to work at least 12 days a month at the Los Angeles County morgue until she has adequately fulfilled the remaining 53 days of her community service. She also has to complete 18 psychotherapy sessions.

And RadarOnline says that Lindsay's probation report is "glowing" and she'll have nothing to worry about.

"Judge Sautner gave Lindsay a new probation officer at her last court appearance," the source told the site. "Her new probation officer is absolutely no nonsense, and she has seen it all. Lindsay has been a model probationer so far."

Lindsay is apparently ahead of schedule to finish her time at the morgue by her March 29 2012 deadline.

Tags: Lindsay Lohan,