Lindsay Lohan treats morgue staff

21st October 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Lindsay Lohan bought lunch for staff at the morgue where she is performing her court ordered community service.

Lindsay has been ordered to complete 16 hours at the Los Angeles County Morgue before her probation violation hearing on November 2.

Lindsay showed up 20 minutes late to her orientation at the morgue yesterday and was dismissed from the premises. This morning it appeared she was determined to make a good impression. She arrived an hour and a half before the facility opened this morning and was let into the building promptly at 7am.

The actress seems conciliatory about missing out on her volunteer work yesterday.

"Lindsay is attempting to make amends for her actions yesterday, and wanted to buy lunch from In-N-Out for the staff," a source told RadarOnline. "It was important to her to do this, and she wants to just perform her court ordered community service at the morgue. She is taking this very seriously."

The star is performing janitorial duties such as cleaning toilets at the morgue. Despite the hard labour Lindsay is getting along well with the employees.

"Lindsay is interacting with staffers, and performing all duties as assigned. It's manual labour, but Lindsay isn't complaining. She is being a real trooper and has apologised for the media that is camped outside the building because of her," the source said.

Lindsey will meet with Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner in early November. Judge Sautner will determine whether or not Lindsay will be sent to jail for up to a year due to probation violation.

The actress' legal troubles stems from a no contest plea she made on a misdemeanour theft charge case for a $2,500 necklace taken from a California jewellery store. (C) Cover Media
