Lindsay Lohan's dad: She's taking back control

24th October 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Lindsay Lohan's father Michael has revealed that he believes his daughter is taking back control of her life.

Although he has had harsh words for the Mean Girls star in the past and even accused of her "smoking crack or meth," he now says that she is cleaning up her act.

Lindsay resumed her community service last week by working at the Los Angeles county morgue.

And although she had to be hauled back in front of Judge Stephanie Sautner for missing nine days of work at the Downtown Women's Center and skipping her first day at the morgue, Michael believes that Lindsay is finally being accountable for her actions.

"I'm so happy that Lindsay is opening her eyes and starting to take control of her life," Michael told RadarOnline.

"With her community service, her obligations to the court and firing (her manager) Lou Taylor, she's on the right track. Hopefully this is a turn around."

Lindsay's lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley had told the court last week that Lindsay could only find work internationally these days.

But Michael hopes that the 25-year-old will be able to get more work closer to home with a new team in place after parting ways with Taylor recently.

"She should have her management team investigated for bilking her for charges all along, and I'm sure there were many kickbacks to other people on her team," he alleged.

Lindsay is due back in court on November 2 to face Judge Sautner, who has ordered that she complete at least 16 hours a week at the morgue between now and then.

The whole legal matter stems from Lindsay's no contest plea in a jewellery theft case earlier this year. (C) Cover Media
