Mahat-Manoj fight gets ugly!

10th July 2012

Tiffs and quarrels creep up in tinsel town time and again, but, are always in manageable limits. However, Manoj-Mahat problem seems to be taking a turn for the worse. 

Mahat Raghavendra and Manoj Manchu's fight has been in news from quite some time now. While reasons behind the fight have been ranged from Taapsee to personal issues, the heat between the two stars has been constantly increasing. 

Mahat lodged a police complaint against Manchu, alleging that the star along with his entourage assaulted him. 

Mahat's version of the story says that while he was attending the Filmfare party on the 7th, along with his friends, Manoj and his friends marched up to him and started beating him without any explanation. 

"I was hit on my face, my stomach and my lower body. I had even received a blow to my throat. Nobody else was even allowed to interfere and stop this fight as the men who were hitting me along with Mr. Manoj was threatening who ever tried to stop them from hitting me," said Mahat, who was clearly taken aback by Manoj's action. 

Manoj and his friends kept assaulting Mahat till a lot of people intervened. Still, the scene had not ended. Apparently, Manchu gave Mahat a death threat and even called some people, ordering them to kill him (Mahat). 

"After I was assaulted, I had called one of my friends who came to pick me from the spot and I was taken to a hospital. I was treated for a swollen eye, severe pain to my right jaw. The doctors in emergency ward had told me that I was lucky to survive the blow to my throat as it would have easily dislocated my jaw," expressed Mahat. 

While Mahat narrates one of the most traumatic experiences of his life, Lakshmi Manchu (Manoj’s sister) has a completely different say. 

"Mahath is a good friend of ours and Manoj would never harm him. Tiffs happen between friends and they always get back. Why would Manoj want to hurt Mahath?" Said Lakshmi. "I was at the venue when this reported incident took place, and I can tell you I heard no commotion. I didn't hear even a glass break. In fact, I was there even after Mahath left the venue. I think people should grow up and stop spreading rumours."

Well, with two completely different stories around, no one knows what the truth us. Let's just hope that the stars make peace before all the 'rumors' start affecting their image! 

Tags: Lakshmi Manchu, Mahat Raghavendra,