Marion Cotillard: I drown in emotions

17th April 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Marion Cotillard drowns herself in emotions to get into character for her movie roles.

The actress revealed the process that helps her to change according to each characters personality and get into their mindset.

The Oscar winner explained that she tries to become one with the character she portrays by understanding them and feeling their emotions.

Thats what I try to do. To be 100% this person. Someone who suffers will have very strong emotions. And when youre one person with the character, you will get these emotions, because you drown yourself in these emotions, she told Total Film.

Marion also talked about teaming up with her partner director Guillaume Canet for a shared movie project.

Guillaume, who is the father of Marions unborn child, directed the actress in Little White Lies. The former actor, who starred alongside Leonardo Di Caprio in The Beach, admits that he was pushing Marion harder than any of the other cast members to avoid being accused of favouritism.

But Marion has mainly positive memories of working with her partner.

It was one of my best experiences, I have to say, she revealed. I had never worked with Guillaume before like this. But the relationship we had was It might have something to do with the fact he is an actor so he knows how it works from the inside. And it brings something more. Because Ive worked with directors who didnt understand how an actor functions, how hard it is sometimes. (C) Cover Media
