Matthew Morrison loves Glee translations

11th June 2011

(Cover) - -No story type selected- - Matthew Morrison loves hearing himself translated into other languages.

The actor-and-musician stars in school singing show Glee. It's become a worldwide hit, which he likes because it gives him the chance to learn about other cultures.

"[Glee] works on a lot of different levels. I think there is something for everyone," he said on a UK TV show.

"It's unbelievable - hearing yourself in different languages, it's always fun. I heard myself in Swahili and it was quite interesting, a sort of clicking noise."

With so many cultures inspired by Glee, Matthew knows that many of the show's witticisms are not lost in translation. Whether teenager or adult, Glee has so many layers to keep the diverse audience entertained.

"I am not sure if adults can get into High School Musical," said Matthew. "But I think there's really an adult factor for Glee because there are some jokes that are really... that will go over the kids heads, like a b**w j*b!" (C) Cover Media
