Matthew Perry: Millions will view series

9th August 2012

Matthew Perry has joked that he expects 48 million people to watch his new show.

The actor is starring in new comedy Go On, in which he plays a sports radio host who undergoes counselling following the death of his wife. The TV show will air in the US after coverage of the Olympic Games, so Matthew is expecting a big audience to tune in.

"Well, 50 million will be watching the Olympics, so we'll probably get 47, 48 million?" the star joked to

Matthew is most famous for playing Chandler Bing in the TV show Friends. Although he is immersing himself in a new character, he can't help slipping back into old habits.

"Yes, he does," he replied when asked if he ever starts behaving like Chandler on the set of Go On. "But a lot of that is me too. I just have to figure out which is which. This guy is going through some more heavy duty stuff than Chandler ever had to, so that is something to keep in mind. When we are trying to be really funny, we have to remember at the heart of this he is going through a lot.

"We are just at the stage where the writers are starting to write in our personalities."

The series will feature cameos from famous athletes, and the 42-year-old has previously admitted to campaigning for guest stars. Matthew has now revealed who he would love to see take part in the show.

"I do this show and I met Jimmy Connors, which was a dream come true. So I am hoping he might do it. I would like to have Tom Brady come on, but I don't like the idea of having someone way more attractive than me and good at football so maybe not," he laughed. "Possibly Tim Tebow, but these guys are difficult to get on the show."

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