Michael Cera: I like aggressive women

25th August 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Michael Cera wishes girls were impressed by his video gaming skills.

The actor found worldwide fame after appearing in 2007 film Superbad. In his short career, Michael has made a habit of playing nerdy oddballs who struggle with women.

He is currently starring in Scott Pilgrim Vs The World and is keen to stress that he is every bit as geeky as his characters in many of his films.

"In the movie Scott hits on girl by talking about Pac Man," Michael is quoted as saying. "I've tried the same actually but never succeeded. My game is Super Mario 3. I'm a black belt player at that but girls don't seem to care!"

For this reason, the 22-year-old actor would prefer potential dates to make the first move, but has realised that his superstar status sometimes gets in the way. He admits he is rarely approached by girls, but is convinced its because they’re all just too “shy”.

"I like a woman to take control but they're hard to find. For example, when I go out to a restaurant I know every girl in there wants to come say hi and be sexually aggressive, but they're all so gripped by shyness that they don't even make a move. In some cases the shyness is so severe they won't even look at me," he joked.

While girls rarely show interest in him, Michael says his mother is convinced he is extremely attractive. He is often embarrassed by the way she talks about him and sometimes wishes she would just stop.

"I'm not comfortable when my mum refers to me as 'sex god' on the phone. It makes me very uncomfortable," he laughed. (C) Cover Media
