Nicole Richie regrets virgin tattoo

2nd September 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Nicole Richie got the word ‘virgin’ tattooed on her wrist as a teenager thinking she was “cool and deep,” but now bitterly regrets it.

The TV star-turned-fashion designer has nine inkings on her body, and is mostly laidback about them. Although she wouldn’t necessarily get all of them if she had her time over again, there is only really one she is considering having permanently removed.

“I’m a Virgo and the sign is a virgin,” she explained to the October issue of British magazine InStyle. “So when I was 16, I got the word virgin tattooed on my wrist, thinking I was so deep and cool. And now I just look really weird having virgin written across my wrist and I have to explain in.”

Nicole has been in rehab in the past, and spent 82 minutes in jail in 2007 after she was caught Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in December 2006. She now has her life back on track, and has two kids with her fiancé Joel Madden. She still thinks about that period in her life though, and refuses to make excuses about what she went through.

“One thing about me if that I’ve always taken responsibility for my own actions whether they’re good or bad. Even when I was going through my tough time, that was a situation I created,” she said. “People ask me, do I blame Hollywood or my parents? No, I don’t blame my parents. It had nothing to do with them. I created it and manifested it and I got myself through it with the help of a lot of great people.” (C) Cover Media
