Nicollette Sheridan drops abuse claim

18th December 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Nicollette Sheridan has dropped claims of physical and mental abuse from her $20 million Desperate Housewives lawsuit.

In April, the actress filed legal papers against show creator Marc Cherry and broadcasters ABC in which she alleged she suffered assault and battery, gender violence and wrongful termination. Nicollette insists she was a model employee up until she left the TV show last year, when her character Edie Britt was killed off. She alleges Marc hit her across the face when they disagreed over a script in September 2008 and she found him difficult to work with.

In new papers filed at the Los Angeles Superior Court yesterday, the 47-year-old dropped the claims of physical injury and emotional distress and request for compensation linked to them, according to

As a result, the defence has agreed to drop its request for a psychiatric and physical examination, the site reports. Both parties stipulated to this agreement and the case will continue without those causes of action after a judge signs the stipulation.

The actress reportedly says the allegations are still valid, although she has decided to simplify the case.

If the case continues, Nicollette will still be able to request compensation for loss of earnings and benefits. (C) Cover Media
