No Doubt: We don't know what we're doing

14th September 2012

No Doubt admits that they create their music through a "series of accidents."

The legendary pop rock group is currently promoting their new album Push and Shove, which they have been slowly putting together since 2009.

No Doubt hasn't released a record in over a decade, but they weren't anxious about composing new songs.

Lead singer Gwen Stefani reveals that the band just focused on having fun.

"We don't know what we're doing," Gwen joked to MTV News.

"Everything's basically a series of accidents and mistakes."

Bassist Tony Kanal supports Gwen's claims.

He thinks that all No Doubt bandmembers write songs for merrymaking purposes only.

"Honestly, we just make music that we love and we want to play," Tony explained.

"We get inspired by something, and we kind of go with it. We've always been huge fans of ska and reggae music, and when we were making the Rock Steady record, we were super into dancehall we still are."

Push and Shove will be officially released later on this month.
