Ozzy Osbourne: Fans are vital

19th May 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Ozzy Osbourne insists fans are what make him.

The veteran rocker has been in the music business for more than 40 years and is best known as the frontman of heavy metal rock band Black Sabbath.

The 62-year-old musician hails from Birmingham in the UK and always tries to remain true to his roots.

If ever he strays from being loyal to his fans, Ozzy's wife and manager Sharon put him in his place.

"It's important not to forget where you've come from. Sometimes I'll be in a hurry and someone will say, Can I have an autograph?' and I'll say, Not now, I'll be back in a minute.' And Sharon will always say, You sign that f**king autograph right now,'" he explained. "Why? Because the day they stop asking is the day that I've got a problem."

Ozzy is unsure why he appeals to people. He knows he has annoyed people throughout his long-running movie career so he is glad people still like him.

"I don't know, but I'm glad they do," he said in an interview with Kerrang! magazine when asked why people continue to like him. "I'd rather have them like me than not. Although I have p**sed off a few people off along the way. But I'm a survivor. If people suddenly go, We don't like Ozzy anymore,' then I'm finished." (C) Cover Media
