PC: "We are also human beings"

3rd July 2012

Being a successful celebrity comes with its own price that becomes a tad too expensive at times. They ride high on the professional front at the cost of compromising their personal life that always is under scanner. And Priyanka Chopra has learnt this the hard way. 

The actress of lately has been in news for all the wrong reasons!

Her break up with Shahid Kapoor and controversies over her camaraderie with Shah Rukh Khan, has made her a magnet to ugly controversies. 

She recently confessed that she hates being under the spotlight all the time, "I don't like being under the microscope constantly and having to explain myself, being subjected to that sort of judgment. Speculation is part of my business. I'm used to it - not that I like it, I hate it. It upsets me," said Priyanka expressing her displeasure. 

She further added that had she been a man, she would have had taken the tags with a pinch of salt, but as a girl it makes things a little difficult, "As a girl, I am this stupid, emotional, very loyal, sort of believe-in-values-and-principals sort of girl. Hence speculations, rumors and all are very irritating," added PC.

She however added that though she understands people's interest in her life as she is a celebrity, she would love it if others would respect her privacy, "I understand that we're celebrities, but we're also human beings. A little bit of yourself is important to keep to yourself. Like I tweet the things I want people to know. People know what I want them to know. And even if I come out and clear everything, people will speculate further on what I said and why I said it," concluded Priyanka.

Tags: Priyanka Chopra,