Penelope Cruz And Natalie Portman Hogs The Limelight

30th December 2010

December 30, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Does pregnant woman grab more attention? Find it hard to believe! Well, at a recent online poll, pregnant actors Penelope Cruz and Natalie Portman have hogged the limelight. Penelope Cruz and Natalie Portman have been crowned as the sexiest stars of 2010. Penelope is in her mid thirties and she is expecting her first child, while Portman also let the news out about her pregnancy to the media. An online poll conducted by a website, Natalie emerged as the sexiest woman of 2010 by votings from men while Cruz was the sexiest according to women. Seems to be quite surprising as Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston have been left behind.

Guys voted for Johnny Depp and Ryan Reynolds as the sexiest man of 2010, while women felt that Johnny deserves the crown. During the Christmas weekend poll voters felt that Blake Lively could be the greatest American movie star.

The online poll had several categories. Men considered Seth Rogen and Cameron Diaz of The Green Hornet as the most mismatched couple which women voted for Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston in Just Go with It.

However when it came to Harry Potter both the sexes were of the same opinion.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 was the film to look forward to in 2011. It has been dubbed as the most anticipated blockbuster of 2011.

--Sampurn Wire

Tags: Johnny Depp, John Cusack, Penelope Cruz, Ryan Reynolds, Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part Ii,